Beauty Information

Beauty Information

Skin Care, Body Rhythms, and Sleep

Most of us are all too familiar with that "dreaded" internal clock that wakes us at 7:00 AM on the weekend, despite our desire to sleep in. We fail to appreciate that this internal clock is part of a natural body rhythm that can dramatically impact our skin.

Cholesterol Depostis on Facial Area - Large Pores

Cholesterol DepositsTHESE LITTLE BUMPS LOOK LIKE MILIA BUT ARE MORE YELLOW WAXY TRANSPARENT IN COLOR ! These may appear around eye area, forehead or anyweheres on the skin.This is usually an internal problem, change your diet and keep your cholesterol levels balance (high level of fat in your blood).

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) Who Do They Benefit?

IN WHICH CASES ARE AHA RECOMMENDED?* Hyperkeratinization (increased accumulation of keratin and cell) extreme cases of hyperkeratinization such as Seborrheic dermatitis (Seborrhea skin conditions which is excess flaking, itching, scaling and redness afflicting either scalp or face due to an increase of the rate of production of skin cells which buildup on the skin.* Hyperpigmentation (brown spots, discoloration), dry sun damaged skins* Xerosis (so-called "dry", rough, uneven skin, calloused skin)* Wrinkles and fine lines* Comedonal, Whiteheads and blemished skins* Keratosis pilaris (are numerous tiny rough spots sometimes red and itchy usually on the arms but may appear on the thighs, hands, eyebrows, cheeks or any other part of the body caused by accumulation of old skin cells, this occurs mostly in the winter months when skin is more prone to drynes and low humidity or after the summer months due to sun exposure.

The Laser Hair Removal Process

Laser Hair Removal is becoming more popular then ever for the removal of unwanted body hair. Before making the decision to go forward with laser hair removal it is important to understand the removal process and to determine if you would make an ideal candidate for laser hair removal.

Handmade and Homemade Toiletries-Buyer Beware

If you've been to a craft show or a farmers' market recently you've probably noticed that more and more people are making and selling homemade soaps, toiletries and cosmetics. Gone are the days when the neighborhood soap maker was a grandmotherly lady in a long cotton dress-today's soap makers are young, hip stay-at-home moms hawking homemade lotions, makeup and bath products.

Hair Split Ends

This is a common condition which proves to be the devil of every girl's life! Split ends are most often seen in long hair but also found in shorter hair that is out of condition and is an affliction of anyone trying to grow their hair. The problem can be solved with good hair maintenance so check out this article!Split ends, (or trichoptlosis), are the nightmare for every self-respecting woman's life! They happen when the protective cuticle has been stripped away from the ends of hair fibers.

Natural Rosacea Products & Rosacea Medications : The Common Thread

If you are one of the thousands of men and women suffering from the skin discorder rosacea or acne rosacea, you may already be familiar with the standard dermatologist-prescribed courses of action and medications.What many people don't know, is there are actually non-prescription, natural rosacea products that are just as effective, if not more effective, than prescription rosacea medications and topical rosacea gels and ointments.

Cosmetics Giant Touts Beauty, Power of Hyaluronic Acid

Cosmetics giant Estée Lauder has jumped on the hyaluronic acid bandwagon with the release of its high-end "Perfectionist" skincare products, the CP+ Correcting Serum and the Correcting Concentrate for Lip Lines.In recent months, several beauty products containing hyaluronic acid (also known as HA) have flooded the market, ranging from vitamin supplements to injections.

Skin Care: Organic, Natural or Scientifically Advanced - Which is Best?

In an age where fear of water impurities has millions drinking bottled water, and concerns about genetically engineered corn has others searching for "natural food sources", many people are also wondering what type of products to use for healthy skincare.We are frightened by the new world we seemingly live in, and at first blush may think that organic or natural is the way to go - as the words "organic" and "natural" in and of themselves engender visions of a time when life was simpler, purer and more wholesome.

Benefits of Soy in Facial Creams

Creams with soy are recommended around 40yrs and up or 30s if skin is dry, sun damaged or showing signs of ageing.Soy is an incredible source of important nutrients providing the necessary ingredients to build protein in the body.

Should You Get Hair Extensions?

Are you sick and tired of your current hair style and want to change it immediately? Hair extensions can add instant length volume, thickness or highlights to your hair in just a few hours. They can be attached to your natural hair using many different methods available today.

Unique Fun Contact Lenses - How To Stand Out In A Crowd

Unique fun contact lenses are what will make you stand out from your friends. Since special effects contact lenses are created for cosmetic purposes, they come with a power of 0.

SPF? What Does It All Mean?

Spf or sun protection factor, is the amount of increased protection a sunscreen provides. If you are like most people, you will begin burning after 15 minutes without protection.

A Beautiful Skin is Every Man and Womans Dream!

She was so upset that day. She could not concentrate on her work in office.

Detoxification and your skin

Learn to help your body glow from the inside out. Nourish it with foods that are pure and natural.

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