Beauty Information

Beauty Information

Flax Seed Oil and Wrinkles

Flax seed oil helps lubricate the digestive system and softens the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Flax seed is packed with oils, fibers and protein that supply your body with essential fatty acids (EFAs), notably omega 6 (linoleic acid) and omega 3 (linolenic acid) fatty acids.

Retinol: One of the Best Over-the-counter Anti-wrinkle Ingredients

Dermatologists praise Retinol as an excellent over-the counter anti-wrinkle ingredient. Retinol creams work to soften lines and fade age spots.

Slather On That Tanning Bed Lotion

Tanning bed lotions abound. How do you choose from all the tanning bed lotions available?There are tanning bed lotions that are in cream form.

Taming The Frizz

My daughter hates her hair. Several of my friends hate their hair, too.

Reversing the Aging Process

Many scientists would say that we don't know what is responsible for the aging process. Others might say that it is a normal part of the life cycle.

7 Tips to Keep Your Skin Looking Great

1. Healthy Food: Keep your skin fresh and glowing by eating antioxidant-rich foods.

Take Your Children For a Spray Tan!

Have you ever tried to get your teenage son or daughter to stop sun tanning, only to realize after several months/years, that you will not win with peer pressure?The look of a suntanned body is "in" more than ever, and the tanning industry is one of the fastest growing beauty sectors. Do we have to see our children sacrifice their health for sake of fashion?Not necessarily.

How To Wear Contact Lenses In The Allergy Season

The allergy seasons are a real challenge, especially if youwear contact lenses. A chronic allergy to mold, pet danderor other environmental allergens can create a year-rounddilemma.

Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses - More Style, Same Utility

At one time, promotions on television advertised a new,sexier you if you elected to lose the glasses and pop in apair of contact lenses. This image has always beendemonstrated in Superman comics, television programs andmovies.

Liposuction, or Baggy Clothes?

Let's face it ladies. There are very few of us that can happily go about living our day to day life without having to carry around with us some degree of 'pads of fat' that have been laid down upon our thighs, buttocks, stomachs and in some cases, upper arms since the beginning of our estrogen secretion (which is responsible for our curved contours, to many for most of us) since the onset of puberty.

History of Plastic Surgery

When most people use the term Plastic Surgery, they more often than not use it in reference to cosmetic surgery. Few people actually stop to think that Plastic Surgery covers a far wider range of surgical procedures and that cosmetic surgery is only one type of surgery related to Plastic Surgery.

Color Contacts: Fashionable, Dramatic and HOT!

"A great way to give you a subtle or dramatic change is with colored contact lenses. Manufacturers currently make a wide range of different color contacts in both prescription and non-prescription form with colors available to make your eyes sizzle!"There are four types of colored contact lenses; visibility tints, enhancement tints, opaque color tints and light filtering tints, each offering something a bit different.

What is the Best Treatment for Grey Hair

When your hair goes grey it is due to the fact that the cells in the hair follicles called "Melanocytes" no longer generate pigment, the main one being melanin. The hair follicle loses all pigment over time and eventually goes white.

When Beauty Tries to Compensate For Self Esteem

We all strive for a beautiful and healthy body. This not only makes our hearts come alive but it keeps us alive and vibrant.

Emu Oil For Anti Wrinkle!

What is Emu Oil?Emu oil was discovered by Aborigines many thousands of years ago as a skin moisturizer, antiseptic, and as an aid in the relief of sunburn, muscular aches and joint pain, as well as aiding in the healing of injuries. The emu oil is rendered from a thick layer of fat on the back yielding 5 - 7 liters of unsaturated, non-toxic, highly penetrating oil.

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