Beauty Information

Beauty Information

Frequently Asked Questions About Permanent Makeup

Frequently Asked Questions About Permanent CosmeticsQ2) What is the recovery time for permanent makeup? A2) Everyone is different, but a general rule would be 3-7 days on the surface, and another 10-14 days below the surface. It is common for a person to return to work the same day.

Whats Up With Botox?

BOTOX® is part of a family of drugs called "botulinum toxins". Specifically, it is the Registered Trademark and brand name for "botulinum toxin type A" which is manufactured by a company called "Allergan".

Wheres The Plastic In Plastic Surgery?

Don't be looking for the Dupont Company sales rep the next time you visit a Plastic Surgeon's office because, despite popular belief, there's no "Plastic" in Plastic Surgery. The name is taken from the Greek word "plastikos" which means to "mold or shape.

What You Should Know About Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery is any surgical procedure that is designed to enhance your physical appearance. Unless the cosmetic surgery is required as the result of an accident, injury, or birth defect, the chances are the procedure will not be covered by your insurance.

Home Spas: Theyre Not Just For The Rich & Famous Anymore!

Aaah, a spa. It used to be that you needed a Hollywood mansion to even entertain the thought; but now, home spas are popping up everywhere you look and with good reason.

What You Should Know About Liposuction

If you're thinking that liposuction is a great way to lose weight, forget about it. Liposuction isn't about weight loss at all.

Get Free Cosmetic Samples Just for Completing Offers

There's almost nothing more irritating than buying a lot of expensive cosmetics and finding out after you get home that you don't like them. You can protect your wallet from this drain by trying out free cosmetic samples first.

Skin Conditions

Things that contribute to Poor Skin Conditions1.Antibiotics and alcohol lead the way in reducing good bacteria in the digestive tract.

Beauty Tips: 10 Steps for Radiant Skin

When it comes to a glowing complexion what we put into our bodies and how we treat our skin and ourselves has a huge impact on how we look - no skin care product can overcome certain damage. Here are a few hints to take the best care of your skin and get that radiant glow.

Skin Care: Caring for your Skin in Cold Weather

When temperatures drop it is time to think of how cold weather, chilling winds and dry air will affect your skin. We naturally think of bundling up during those frosty months but there are a few other considerations.

Beauty Tip: Perfect Eyebrows

Eyebrows are a natural frame for the eyes and should be in proportion to the face. Perfectly shaped eyebrows will enhance the look of your eyes, your face and will accentuate your makeup while; ill kept, unruly eyebrows will hide the beauty of your eyes.

Hair Stylist - Record Holder

Have you ever seen hair stylist cutting hair with Fire & Blindfolded or Glass or a paper-cutter? Imagine, Stylist burning your hair with fire, and sometimes that too blindfolded? Scary isn't? but its not like that; its fun, its art - the art of hair styling and cutting..

How to Remove Dye From Hair

How to remove dye from hair which is designed to ..

LED Photo Rejuvenation/Intense Pulsed Light/Infra-Red Light Affects Skin Rejuvenation

LED Photo Rejuvenation,Intense Pulsed Light or Infra-Red Lightand it's Affects on Skin RejuvenationIn order for your skin to continue to exist, it has to constantly reproduce new cells to take the place of the ones that are being shed.People need certain wavelengths of light similar to the way plants need sunlight to thrive.

15 Hair Care Myths - The Truth and The Lies

Everyone has a favourite myth about hair care - and we usually never let the truth get in the way of a good legend! This article examines some of the most widely known - and the reality behind the myths.1.

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