Beauty Information

Beauty Information

Tips on Using a Hair Iron

The hair iron is coming more and more popular. It is used by women of all ages and for various purposes.

My Story - Yoga for the Face or Face-lift Through Exercise

Here I was, 52 years old and a long-time meditator. I took a good look in the mirror.

Wrinkle Buster In Your Kitchen

Many cosmetic companies are capitalizing on on our need to fight the signs of aging. Prices for these "miracle" concoctions can run as high as $200 for a cream! So what is in these small jars of hope and promise? Looking through the ingredients and deciphering the scientific names, you may discover that some of the ingredients are derived from fruits and vegetables that we regularly buy in the Produce section of our favorite grocer.

The Secret to Shiny Hair

I'm sure you've seen on TV the Pantene commercial where the hair shines like a mirror. I don't know why other hair commercials don't do the same thing with all that shine.

Learn How To Tan Safely

Finally summer has arrived, the sun is warm and inviting and we can ditch that heavy clothing. It's the season to enjoy the outdoors and enjoy that sun.

Age Spot Erasing Made Easy And Right From Your Own Kitchen

If you're anything like most baby boomers, after graying hair, poor eyesight, weight gain and winkles, age spots rank fifth on your list of aging nuisances. But you can find comfort in erasing those age advertisers right from your own kitchen.

6 Ways to Destroy a Beautiful Complexion

Women (and men. too) spend billions of dollars trying to make their complexions look great.

All About Plastic Surgery

The plastic surgery has become a multi-million dollar one, as both men and women employ more and more extreme tools in order to reach the ever more ubiquitous image of perfection that torments us. It sometimes seems as though the tiny people of Hollywood have been constructed entirely out of plastic in a conspiracy to make the rest of us feel like ogres.

Plastic Surgery - A Risky Business

When most of us think of plastic surgery, we contemplate the different things we would - or are going to - have done: that bump on the nose smoothed down, the perky boobs put in, the fat we'll have sucked out. But perhaps the most important question we should ask when considering plastic surgery is not what - but rather why?Plastic surgery is becoming an increasingly popular choice as people realise that they no longer have to tolerate a body part that they find aesthetically upsetting.

How To Get Those Big Beautiful Lips Youve Always Dreamed Of

Big beautiful lips have always been a symbol of sexiness! Full lips scream "kiss me" and guys go crazy over them. Full lips are a sign of youthfulness and health.

Botoxź - Fast And Effective But The Big Question Is Is It Safe?

Women are constantly seeking products to look younger and often they are digging deep into their pocket books to try new products. Some have had laser treatments, some have spend exorbitant amounts on new face creams, some have tried holistic or natural approaches.

The Importance Of Moisturizing

The age of your skin has no bearing on whether you should moisturize. Even women in their 20s should us a good moisturizer to keep their skin young and supple for many years, and of course to help stave off those wrinkles.

The Manicure - More than Pretty Nails!

Pretty and well cared for hands are more than a delight to the eye. In the business world the two things often considered the most important in presenting yourself, are a good pair of shoes and well-groomed hands.

Should You Get Plastic Surgery?

These days, plastic surgery is often much maligned, and while the apparent levity with which it is sometimes undertaken and its almost epidemic-type spread can seem rather worrying, the benefits of plastic surgery can easily be overlooked. While there is an overwhelming array of various plastic surgery horror stories reported in the press, the quiet stories of success often remain untold.

Surgery for the Stars

While plastic surgery might remain for many of us something of a pipe dream, the thing we'd do if we won the lottery, for those in the entertainment industry, it has slowly but surely become akin to an entry pass into Hollywood. While there are still a large percentage of women in the general populace who are quite content to sit around with their girlfriends and talk about what they would have done, there is a certain faction of womankind - though as the pressure to conform to a particular 'look' increases, the male membership of the group increases also - for whom plastic surgery is simply inevitable.

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