Beauty Information

What is Spray Tanning?

Spray tanning is a relatively new method of sunless tanning. Technically spray tanning method is something between self-tanning cosmetics and tanning beds. You go into the spray-tanning booth where you are sprayed by a special mist. After a few minutes the process is over and in a short time you'll the kind of suntan you want.

How does it work?

The mist used in spray tanning contains DHA, a chemical reacting with the outer layer of skin and dyeing it brown. Technically it works just like tanning lotions, but the booth and sprays assure that all the body will be equally covered with DHA. Spray tanning does not require any additional sessions - one visit is enough to get a suntan you need.

How long does it last?

Because spray tanning works only in the outer layer of the skin (the "dead" one), the effects can last only as long as a week, and they usually disappear in four or five days. As you see spray tanning is an excellent method to look very good for a short time. But of course, you can visit a spray tanning saloon once a week and retain your skin color almost indefinitely.

Can I make it last a little longer?

Well, the skin replacement process is unavoidable, but you can increase the lifespan of you tan if you do a few things before beginning the spray tanning process. Here are they:

(1) Moisture your skin with some water-based moisturizer prior to spray tanning. It will help DHA to propagate itself into your skin and will add to tan's lifespan.

(2) Exfoliate - clear your skin's outermost layer from those dead cells that are already about to fall off. The mist will dye only those cells that are supposed to last longer than a few hours.

What about the tan color?

Due to the chemical processes caused by DHA, it is impossible to get an improper tan color - it will be always a shade of brown. Of course, spray tanning lets you choose the right shade - by spraying the right kind of mist, you can acquire all the palette of browns - from very light brown to almost black ones. It does not change the session time.

Can spray tanning be dangerous for my health?

Spray tanning eliminates most health hazards typical for UV-tanning methods, so skin aging and cancer are no longer problems. The only possible hazard of spray tanning is an allergy for DHA, but as with kinds of allergy, this does not usually threats your life, like cancer does.

Is spray tanning dangerous for my clothes?

No, it isn't. Spray tanning method rely on chemical reactions in your skin and DHA isn't by any means paint! Even if mist has been used in excess, spray tanning does not create any stains and remains perfectly safe for your clothes (and people you shake hands with J).

Does it leave any odor?

It depends. While most waterborne sprays are odorless, many spray tanning saloons use oil-based mist and it leave some starchy odor, so it is not recommended to go to spray tanning saloon right before a date. The scent vanishes completely after a few hours.

Linda Smith owns Luxury, a site devoted to the latest in tanning


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