Beauty Information

Breast Implants Cost and Quality

If you've finally made the decision to undergo breast augmentation surgery, you now are faced with the practical and financial decisions of cosmetic surgery. Safety is of course a primary concern, but the cost of plastic surgery is a great factor as well. Many people have great difficulty balancing these two, trying to find a good doctor who will work within their price range. Medical expenses for breast augmentation surgery include not only the surgical procedure but also the implants, anesthesia, medication and the cost of using the operating room, and can run from $4,000 to $10,000.

Other variances in price will relate to the procedure that a particular surgeon uses (some place the implant under the muscle, some make the incision through the armpit or under the breast or on the nipple), the location of the doctor performing the surgery, and how much augmentation is being done.

While cost can be a deciding factor in whether or not to undergo breast augmentation or breast lift surgery, the choice of doctor should be based upon comfort and safety rather than expense. Furthermore, many make the mistake of believing that plastic surgeons in big cities are better or safer doctors than those in smaller cities. If you have decided that the benefit of breast augmentation surgery outweighs the cost of the procedure, you should find a good cosmetic surgeon in your area through a reliable source.

Find a qualified Cosmetic Surgeon in Your Area at


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