Beauty Information

Eye Spy - In Search of a Greater Lash

Shopping for mascara can be an "eye opening" experience. Who knew there were so many formulas to choose from? Thickening, lengthening, volumizing, maximizing and separating, only to name a few; it's no wonder a tube of  "Maybelline Great Lash" is being sold somewhere in the world every 1.5 seconds. It's bright pink and green tube stands out from all the rest, saving us from the myriad of eye lash options, without batting an eye many of us grab the familiar and alas another sale for Great Lash the best selling mascara for 33 years.  I do own a tube I admit but because I read it was a "must have", plus it adds a little color to my make up bag.

In search of a greater lash I secretly spied into the makeup bags of my most well painted friends, casually slipped in "so what mascara do you use" to unsuspecting co-workers, and polled long lashed strangers to uncover their mascara of choice. To my surprise, friends and strangers alike were wide eyed and bushy tailed to share the secrets of their lash life. So if you're interested in peaking into what's keeping these women's eyes wide open? read 'em and wink:

For Lengthening, Volumizing and Separating -
Lancome Definicils    $21.00 Splurge
Iman Perfect Mascara   $13.00 Midway
Max Factor Maximizing   $5.99  Value
Maybelline Great Lash   $4.99      Value 

For Volumizing and Thickening -
Estee Lauder MagnaScopic  $21.00 Splurge
Fashion Fair Volumizing   $12.00 Midway
L'Oreal Volumizer 4x   $4.24 Value
Avon Astonishing Lengths   $2.99* Steal
* sale price

For Lengthening and Separating -
Lancome Definicils   $21.00 Splurge
L'Oreal Lash Out    $5.99 Value
Max Factor Stretch & Separate  $4.99 Value
Avon Astonishing Lengths   $2.99* Steal
* sale price

Dramatic Lashes - One Coat
Christian Dior Show   $23.00 Splurge
Benefit Bad Gal    $18.00 Midway
L'Oreal 3 D Architect   $6.99 Value

Sensitive eyes & Lens Wearers
Clinique Long & Pretty Mascara  $13.50 Midway

Hard to reach & bottom lashes  $4.99 Value
Maybelline Lash Discovery

Best Mascara to sleep in (wink)
Kanebo Mascara    $23.00 Splurge
Most waterproof mascaras

Here are a few lash seccrets to help you get your lash-on right:
ˇ Clean your mascara wand at least once a month to get rid of clumps and prevent build up of bacteria on bristles. Coat the wand with a little Vaseline and gently wipe mascara from the bristles but don't damage the wand. Vaseline works best. Water won't remove all the mascara residue and soap can irritate your eyes. Shelf life of mascara is 3 - 4 months.

Elf Cosmetics

ˇ Always have a dampened Q-tip handy when applying your mascara to clean up any smudges before they dry!

ˇ Fashion Fair Cosmetic Manager Dewayne Moore recommends using a lash conditioner to improve brittle, dry lashes, extend the life of the lash and to help mascara adhere better and longer. Look after your eyelashes just like your do your hair and skin

ˇ If necessary curl lashes using mascara curler before applying mascara.
ˇ For best results "draw the mascara wand out of the tube and gently scrape off any clumps on the side or wipe with a tissue before applying, says makeup artist Brandi Williams. 
ˇ Oprah's make up man Reggie Wells, says "start at the lash roots and gently sweep mascara to the ends"
ˇ Allow lashes to dry between coats. Use lash comb or spiral brush to remove any clumps.
ˇ Reggie Wells believes applying mascara to bottom lashes is not necessary and only draws attention to dark circles and wrinkles below the eye area. Try brown on bottom lashes for subtle definition.
ˇ Remove before bedtime  with a gentle eye make up remover like Lancome Bi-facil Eye Makeup Remover or Andrea Q eye make up remover pads.
ˇ Mascara merge?did you know Fashion Fair is black owned by Johnson Publishing Co. (Jet, Ebony) but L'Oreal owns Lancome, and Maybelline. Proctor & Gamble owns Cover Girl & Max Factor.  "Don't Sleep"

Okay beloveds, I hope you found this F.Y. Eye enlightening and helpful in choosing the best mascara to maximize your lashes and bring focus to your eyes?the windows of your soul. 

Bold indicates highly rated!

Cathy Gatson is a freelance writer and owner/operator of Yada Beauty Lounge, a hair and body salon in Northern California.


Saor: Caledonian Epic Beauty  Distorted Sound Magazine -

The Beauty of Gemara Learning  The Times of Israel

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