Beauty Information

Important Facts You Must Know About Dandruff

Do you know that dandruff affects about 70% of the American population? Do you know that they spend $300,000,000 trying to get rid of it?

Dandruff is the most widespread problem of the scalp! But youmust understand that it is not contagious and it is not a disease! Dandruff can not threaten your life, but it often threatens your mental peace.

Shedding of skin is a natural phenomenon. The skin of your scalp replenishes every month. The dead cells that previously formed your scalp now make up the dandruff.

The presence of negligible dandruff is inevitable. The problem arises only when the presence of dead cells in the form of flakes suddenly increases.

Physicians still debate what causes dandruff. Many researchers believe that it results from excessive growth of the yeast Pityrosporum Ovale that normally resides on everyone's scalp.

Pityrosporum constitutes the major part of skin flora. You suffer from dandruff when the normal limit of 46% of Pityrosporum increases up to the 74% mark.

Factors like emotional and physical stress are no less important in triggering dandruff growth. Stress management also improves the scalp condition. Dandruff growth increases during winter compared to summer for most people.

Because you can find tons of products and medicated lotions, you do not need to worry about the dandruff problem. You just need to find the remedy that works for you.

If you suffer from mild dandruff, wash your scalp regularly to remove the excess flakes. If you suffer from stubborn flakes, treatment through a medicated shampoo is the answer.

You can use many natural remedies to treat dandruff. You need to try some to see what works for you.

You can even treat dandruff by using essential oils and herbs. If you do not mind long-term treatments, you can opt for the various home remedies. A mixture of coconut oil and lemon juice is equally effective as treatment with apple cider vinegar.

Natural remedies take time to show any visible results and need consistent use but they are effective in addressing the cause. If you want a speedy control, use shampoos containing ketaconazole.

Avoid using shampoos with harsh chemicals if you have a bruised scalp. Applying shampoos containing such chemicals on broken skin may cause irritation. If a particular product shows no results, try another with a different ingredient base.

Washing your hair regularly is important. If you find that washing your hair gives you frizzy or dry ends, the little secret to handle that is to take some conditioner and add it to the ends of your hair before washing it normally. Then condition it after shampooing, if you like to use conditioner.

One way to stop over-conditioning your hair and save you money is to put a little of your favorite brand of conditioner in a spritz bottle, with about 4 times more water. After shampooing, rinse. Towel dry, then spritz the conditioner in.

Another mistake that many people make is to put gel in their hair. It's okay to put gel in your hair if that is your styling preference. But, it builds up and causes flakes, which many think is dandruff.

Get into the habit of washing your hair more often. It's only the start of getting rid of dandruff. Think about it. If all that was required was just washing your hair more often, there would be no dandruff.

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