Beauty Information

Advantages of an Indoor Tanning Bed

Think tanning and you will find a tanning salon just a few blocks away. With each passing day, tanning is gaining more and more popularity and is increasingly enmeshed in our society.. And this doesn't come as a surprise considering the fact that a healthy bronze tan will only add to your glamour and appeal!!

But, not all of us have the leisure or the time to while away hours at the beach with a tanning lotion all over or for that matter make regular visits to the local tanning salon. And there, you have a hit a brick wall. So you think, Man, there are only problems on the road to beautiful tanned skin

Naah, not at all!

Your answer is simple - Indoor tanning beds!!

Indoor Tanning beds or residential tanning beds provide a wonderful alternative for those who have a busy schedule or don't have a beach nearby to flaunt their figure. It's a thriving industry out there with new age tanning beds, advanced tanning bed lotions, sophisticated tanning bed goggles and even more tanning bed supplies - all made for the sole purpose of making you even more beautiful and sexy than you already are. Here we try to focus on some of the advantages of a tanning bed.

Tanning beds make for a great option for you if you are looking to maintain your tan all year long. Home tanning beds can save you a lot of time and money in the long run and also provide maximum tanning convenience.

The greatest benefit of a home tanning bed is that it allows you to choose when and how often you want to tan. If you are in a job that makes you work long hours or even odd hours for that matter, you really need to give home tanning beds a serious thought.

Furthermore, you will also save money since most tanning booths charge by the minute, or have a set fee per session. Because it takes a few sessions to establish your base tan, and then many more sessions to maintain it, you could easily find yourself spending more than $100 a month just on your tan. And at this level, it become a no-brainer - 1200$ for a year long tanning stint at a salon on one hand, on the other your very own home tanning bed for the same price. Do you really need to think more?

If you are still thinking, here is yet another reason why home tanning beds make sense. Most people worry about the cleanliness of tanning salons. But you don't have to!! Not when you have a home tanning bed, where you know who uses it and how, and you can maintain the tanning bed to the highest hygiene standards you could possibly want.

All these reasons makes the home tanning bed a must-have. So just go out, get yourself that home tanning bed you always wanted and find yourself with a gorgeous tan in just a short while!!!

Visit our articles section at Tanning Articles and Resources for more such practical tanning advice and tips.

2005,Yaksha Patel. This article is courtesy of Tanning Wonders - Making Tanning work for you!

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