Beauty Information

The Benefits of Shea Healing Butter

Shea HEALING butter is a high performance lotion, and cream thatenrich your skin with the added benefit of HEALING. It is a naturalalternative to skin care products designed to moisturize, protect,revitalize and refreash your body from head to toe.


Shea butter is solid which comes from the natural fat obtainedfrom the pit of the fruit of the African karite tree grown inWest and Central Africa. Also referred to as karite butter. Sheabutter is an emollient that is extremely therapeutic, helpingto heal cracked, aged and damaged skin. Its chemical constituentshelp to heal small wounds, burns, and skin ulcers, bruising andsoreness, and penetrates the skin and leaves it feeling soft andsmooth. Shea butter which also contains vitamin A and E has ahigh content of unsaponifiables and phytosterol, which have antimicrobialand moisturizing properties and provide protection from the UVand stimulate the skin's renewal process, providing a more youthful,vibrant appearance. It's texture is typically soft and butter-likeso it melts readily into the skin.


  • Alleviate Scars after surgery, minor cuts
  • Relieve burns, eczema, and dry/chapped skin
  • Banish dark spots, skin discoloration
  • Smooth wrinkles and blemishes
  • Relax muscular stiffness
  • Improve skin elasticity
  • Minimize stretch marks
  • Reduce razor burn/bumps
  • Moisturize and protect the scalp
  • Revitalize damaged/proccessed hair
  • Soothe baby's skin, even cradle cap
  • Eliminate diaper rash
  • Promote cell growth & wound healing
  • Reduce impact of ultravoilet rays (use additional sunscreenalso)


1. Decrease the frequency of bathing/showering; maintain tempidwater; and limit the duration to 5 minutes or less.

2. Use a mild bar soap. Liquid soaps are more drying. Avoidglycerin soaps and those which contain deodorants.

3. Always apply a good moisturizing lotion after bathing/showering.Shea Healing Butter is effective in mild to moderate cases ofdry skin.

4. Operating a humidifier in your home during cold climates,especially in the bedroom, may add moisture to the air and protectthe skin when the heat is on.

5. Apply a moisturizer-sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or greaterto all areas of the body exposed to the sun.

6. Finally, and very important, drink plenty of water and liquidsto keep the skin moist from the inside.

For more information about Shea Healing Butter, please visit

Kaaryn Walker manages a high performance line of shea butter healing products.

Kaaryn is also the creater of, a web site dedicated to learning the causes and finding solutions of youth and teenage hygiene and health concerns. "Ask the Expert" and the Parents Message Board serves as a great place to learn and exchange tips on better hygiene and health care for kids.


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